
Playing Membership
Lobden has fantastic deals on a wide range of membership categories , covering a variety of age groups, and for Ladies, Gents, & Juniors.
Full playing membership starts from as little as £250 per year, with easy monthly payment options available in some categories.
New members and returning former members are invited to look at our excellent membership deals. - Please contact the golf club for more details.
All members are assured a warm welcome and fantastic packages are also offered to new members who wish to join mid-way through the season. Again please contact the secretary for more details.
There are NO additional fees or hidden levies to any member of Lobden golf club above the agreed membership fees for their category.
Should you wish to become a member please download, complete & return an application form,
Completed application form can either be handed in to the club or emailed to golf@lobdengolfclub.co.uk
Lobden Golf Club employ a code of conduct to members & their guests, this code of conduct represents the minimum values/ethics we expect from our members’
Junior Membership
Lobden Golf Club prides itself on our junior membership.
Many of our former juniors are now full playing adult members, who have in turn introduced their children/Grandchildren into Lobden.
Over the years, we have had former juniors go on to be the club Captain, as well as producing teaching professionals.
If you’re child fancies trying to be the next Rory McIlroy, Tiger Woods or Nelly Korda, please feel free to bring them up to the club.
Our junior section runs every Thursday (weather dependant) from 4pm.
Please contact the club for more details or visit our Facebook page & drop us a message.
*Junior membership is free of charge for a child under the age of 18, we do ask that parent/guardian does join the club as a social member currently priced at £20 per year*
Green Fees
Weekday w/ Member - £20.00
Weekday w/o Member - £20.00
Sunday & Bank Holidays w/ Member - £20.00
Sunday & Bank Holidays w/o Member - £20.00
Accompanied Juniors under 16 - £5.00
We do accept fashion changes happen very quickly and it is our policy that any smart recognised golf clothing & shoes must be worn whilst playing the course,
In the clubhouse any smart casual clothing is acceptable, but we ask that caps are removed. Non playing guests/children may be excluded from these rules at the clubs discretion.
A copy of our dress code can be found here

Lobden Golf Club is a CASC registered Community Amateur Sports Club and as such is open to all without discrimination.
Membership of Lobden Golf Club entitles every adult playing member to vote on club matters at the AGM.
Lobden Golf Club retains the right to refuse membership if it is not in the best interests of the club (open to appeal).